Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Something to share....

StemEnhance™ is a breakthrough, all-natural, botanical extract that supports wellness by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market in the exciting and promising new phytoceutical product category known as "stem cell enhancers".
StemEnhance™ is not a drug, and is not intended to "treat" or "cure" any disease. It is a natural food supplement derived from a tiny natural freshwater aquatic plant that simply supports your body's own ability to heal itself. This unique plant, a cyanophtya whose scientific name is Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae or AFA.

1. What is a stem cell?

A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to duplicate itself endlessly and to become cells of virtually any organ and tissue of the body.
Stem cells are found in human embryos, but are also found in adult tissue. Embryonic stem cells are cells extracted from the blastula, the very early embryo, that have an exceptional ability to duplicate invitro, that is in a test tube, and to become cells of any tissue.
Adult stem cells are cells found in an organism after birth. Until very recenly, it was believed that adult stem cells could only become blood cells, bone and connective tissue. But recent development over the past five years have revealed that adult stem cells have capabilities similar to embryonic stem cells.

1. Apakah itu sel stem?

Sel stem adalah sel yang mempunyai kebolehan untuk menggandakan strukturnya tanpa had dan berupaya untuk menjadi sel mana-mana organ dan tisu badan. Sel stem embrionik adalah sel yang di ekstrak daripada blastula, iaitu sel embrio yang paling awal, yang mempunyai kebolehan hebat untuk menggandakan diri ke vitro, dalam tiub ujian, dan berupaya untuk menjadi hampir kesemua tisu. Sel stem dewasa adalah sel yang mampu di dapati dalam organisma selepas kelahiran. Sehinga akhir-akhir ini, sel stem dewasa dipercayai hanya mampu menjadi sel darah, tulang dan tisu penghubung. Tetapi akibat kajian terkini yang telah dilakukan sejak 5 tahun lepas telah menemui kebolehan sel stem dewasa yang mampu bertindak seperti sel stem embrionik.

2. What is the effect of STEMTech AFA Extract?

STEMTech AFA Extract is a blend of two compounds extracted from the widely consumed aquatic botanical Alphanizominon flos-aquae (AFA). One extract, which contains an L-selectin ligand, suppports the natural release of stem cells (CD34 + cells) from the bone marrow. The other extract, a polysaccacharide-rich fraction called Migratose, may support the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues.

2. Apakah kesan STEMTech AFA ExtractTM?

STEMTech AFA ExtractTM adalah campuran dua sebatian yang diekstrak daripada bahan yang banyak digunakan iaitu sejenis tumbuhan air botanikal iaitu Aphanizomenon flos-aquae(AFA). Satu ekstrak, dimana mengandungi L-selectin ligand, membantu pengeluaran sel stem (CD34+ cells) daripada sumsum tulang secara semulajadi. Ekstrak seterusnya, salah satu bahagian yang kaya dengan polisakarida iaitu MigratoseTM membantu pemindahan sel stem keluar daripada darah ke dalam tisu.

3. What happened to stem cells if they do not reach a tissue?

Stem cells released from the bone marrow do not reach a tissue simply home back to the bone marrow after some time.

3. Apakah yang berlaku kepada sel stem jika ia tidak sampai ke sesebuah tisu?

Sel stem daripada tulang sumsum yang tidak sampai ke sesebuah tisu akan pulang semula ke tulang sumsum selepas suatu tempoh.

4. How does an increase in the number of circulating stem cells lead to optimal health?

Circulating stem cells can reach various organs and become cells of that organ, helping such organs regain and maintain optimal health. Recent studies have suggested that the number of circulating stem cells the greater is the ability of the body at healing itself.

4. Bagaimanakah pertambahan jumlah sel stem yang beredar di dalam badan boleh mendorong kepada kesihatan yang optimum?

Sel stem yang beredar boleh sampai kepada pelbagai organ dan menjadi sel kepada organ tersebut, membantu organ tersebut untuk mendapatkan semula dan mengekalkan kesihatan yang optimum. Kajian baru-baru ini telah mencadangkan bahawa jumlah sel stem yang beredar di dalam badan adalah kunci utama; semakin banyak jumlah sel stem yang beredar, semakin bagus keupayaan diri untuk memulihkan dirinya sendiri.

5. Is STEMTech AFA Extract truly natural? Organic?

Non-genectically modified? Farmed?
STEMTech AFA Extract is made of two extracts from the aquatic botanicals Alphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). AFA grows naturally in a pristine lake of Southern Oregon, it is therefore wildcrafted, not farmed or manipulated in anyway, hence no genetic modification. STEMTech AFA Extract is produced by an Organic certified facility and is certified Organic.

5. Adakah STEMTech AFA ExtractTM betul-betul semulajadi? Organik? Tidak diubahsuai secara genetik? Diperolehi dari ladang?

STEMTech AFA ExtractTM diperbuat daripada dua ekstrak daripada tumbuhan air Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). AFA tumbuh secara semulajadi di dalam tasik yang bebas dari pencemaran di Oregon Selatan, dengan itu ia tumbuh secara liar, tidak ditanam di ladang atau dimanipulasi dengan cara apapun, dan tidak diubahsuai secara genetik. STEMTech AFA ExtractTM dihasilkan oleh sebuah tempat yang disahkan organik dan ia (STEMTech AFA ExtractTM) disahkan organik.
STEMTech AFA Extract can be taken with or without food, though some people at times experience some heaviness when taken on an empty stomach. The same experience has been reported when taken with an acidic juice like orange juice. Otherwise, STEMTech AFA Extract
can be taken with any fruit or vegetable juice, or with water.
In the research, STEMTech AFA Extract can always be taken in the morning. However, it is quite possible that STEMTech AFA Extract might bring greater benefits when taken before sleep, as the body tends to regenerate better during sleep. This is being said, this remains to be studied. At this point, the best way to take STEMTech AFA Extract is to take 3 capsules orally, 1 to 2 times daily in the morning and evening.

*STEMTech AFA Extract has been consumed by individuals that suffer from some of the following illnesses:

- Diabetes
- Kidney Failure 
- Eczema
- Tongue cancer
- High Blood Pressure
- Muscle and Nerve damage
- Hole in the heart / Heart problems
- Stress, Anxiety & Depression 
- Joint & Degenerative Disc Disease
- Sinus problems
- Hair Loss
- Arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Anti aging 
- etc.

The World's First and 0nly Patented Scientifically Proven Stem Cell Enhancer

Contact Us:

PM - Facebook - Alias Mohd Isa Stemcell
+6011-32943444 - Call / SMS / Telegram
+6013-629 7409 - WhatsApp
WeChat ID : aliasmohdisa
PC Skype : Alias Mohamad Isa.

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